Lost and Found in Bolivia

Chronicles of Rachel's Peace Corps service in Bolivia as an Agriculture Extension volunteer.  I hope not to get too lost during my 27 months, but I have a feeling I'm going to find some things.  Enjoy the stories!

Monday, August 4, 2008


I've updated my "wishlist" over on that sidebar, but I'm putting out a special request for socks.  The dirt here is all reddish-brown, and anywhere I walk it gets in my shoes because it's the windy dusty season.  I can kind of scrub out the dirt, but it stains and the scrub brush I use to wash my stuff absolutely tears up the fibers in the cloth...thus I have some quickly deteriorating stained socks.  I'd love some new pairs!  Don't bother with those cute socks from Target or whatever that are fashionable and cute but not very functional.  They won't last a single washing...something sturdy and cushiony would be verrry appreciated :).

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