Not very flattering picture of me, but this is the sunburn I got after less than 2 hours in the sun, after I got my vaccine (no fainting!) on Friday. Two more vaccines Wednesday...thanks for paying your taxes, you´re keeping me and my friends healthy down here!

View near the training center outside the main part of Coch. Note the ridiculous view of the mountains.

A sign in our hotel room bathroom, care of the PC staff. We are getting used to this, can´t believe it´s only been since Wednesday since we´ve been here!

Cochabamba from the plane
May not be able to post as frequently soon, once our intense training schedule starts. I´ll shoot for once a week for e-mail and blog. So please keep those emails relevant, and try not to facebook random things to me...the internet isn´t very fast to check all that, though I do appreciate the thought. Try emailing me directly instead!
Nice shopping list on the left side of the screen. We will do our best to comply. I love the photo from the plane. It was also good to see a shot of your sunburned smiling self!
News from here--not so much to tell. MFF is diversifying to reach more parts of the market (small, medium, and large shares) and we will soon get our deposit in for the full year. Work is a panic, so naturally I'm fixating on garden plans. Just a month and I can start some seeds on top of the furnace. I suppose you'll be hitting the fields in time for a new crop of some sort; but you must have a virtually continuous growing season!
Writing about all these experiences will be a valuable way to fend off the adjustment-sickness. We adore your "blogspot" as Mom calls it. Hanging on every word....
hey rachel,
I'll send a real email soon, but just wanted to let you know that I am reading everything you write (zoe is too) and am obviously thrilled that it's going well. also, I hope that when you have the occasional down moment you'll just think of mom calling this a "blogspot"--because that is hilarious.
your brother
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